Five Tips to Enjoy Vacations More

Having an enjoyable vacation can be as simple as you make it. This can happen by intentionally setting smart phone limits or allowing yourself to experience out-of-the-ordinary things. The most enjoyable vacations occur when a person allows themselves to step out of their comfort zone every now and then. This must be balanced by long periods of uninterrupted rest and relaxation. Asking locals where the best activities and foods are adds an interesting native element to any vacation experience. Here are five tips to enjoy your vacations more.

1. Unplug

With today’s culture being completely filled with gadgets, it is important to unplug during your vacation. This could mean that you intentionally put your phone out of reach. It might feel strange in the beginning, but most people report having a more relaxing vacation after putting their phones away. Staying off your electronics allows you to fully give your attention to the wonderful sites, conversations and experiences. Allowing yourself a designated time of phone use allows you to handle the business that is necessary, then enjoy the rest of your time uninterrupted. This could be 15 minutes in the morning, and again in the evening. Bringing a dedicated camera helps you avoid having to pull out your smart phone to take photos. Most people benefit from this small change so much that they continue to do it at home!

2. Choose an Exciting Destination

It goes without saying that you are more likely to enjoy your vacation if you pick an exciting destination. Tropical climates are very enjoyable since they are comfortable; they neither extremely hot nor cold. Dominican Republic vacations are very popular, with most people reporting extreme satisfaction from the experience and serious intentions to return. Dominican Republic resorts are popular for having extremely personable staff who are willing to provide their guests with top quality service. This enhances the experience, since different needs arise unexpectedly. Having a friendly hotel staff who are happy to assist makes your experience more pleasurable.

3. Pack Appropriately

Packing the right things could highly enrich your vacation experience. Looking at the weather forecast before you leave will give you an idea of the type of clothing you need to bring. Packing lightly whenever possible reduces the amount of clothing and clutter in your hotel room, allowing you to enjoy the beautiful furniture and amenities. Packing three dresses that can be worn in multiple ways is better than packing ten of them. You most likely will not have the chance to wear each one. When packing for a vacation, the less you bring, the better. This allows you to enjoy your vacation without excessive baggage. In case you do forget something, you can purchase almost anything you need once you reach your destination.

4. Keep an Open Mind

Keeping an open mind when traveling can positively add to your experience. Choosing to look at diversity in a positive way allows you to mingle with people you would otherwise never have a chance to meet. People from different cultures can learn a lot from each other through simple conversation. Many people report learning a lot from their Caribbean vacations and forming unique friendships. The approachable, hospitable people from different islands add variety to any vacation. Some of the best vacations are those which involve interactions with the native people. This can also be used as a great learning tool for children, since it provides a hands-on experience to what they learn in school.

5. Have Flexible Plans

Although it is possible to enjoy your vacation without having plans, most people experience more excitement after having set some initial plans. Drifting along from day to day with no plans can end in regret once the vacation is over. Instead, it is advisable to set flexible plans for each day. This helps you get the most out of your time there and enjoy everything you possibly can. Allowing some “down” days is important, since vacation is supposed to be a time of relaxation. Avoid over-exerting yourself with excessive activities; balance is key. The flexibility used when setting these plans allows for last minute changes if the need arises.
A vacation is a wonderful time of spontaneity mixed with exciting plans. Approaching this time of enjoyment with an open mind helps most people get the full benefit out of the experience. Smart phone usage, although entertaining, tends to take away from the present moment. Unplugging is a vital step to getting refreshed and removing yourself from your day to day environment. Once these initial steps are taken, your vacation becomes an enjoyable time of excitement!

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